If Everyday Were Sunday...

I would be very happy. But I would not get much sleep.

Saturday, December 23


Yes, the one in Massachusetts. Far, far away. But guess what!!! I am going there. In 18 days. 18!!!!! It is for this thing called Mystery Hunt, at MIT, which one of my friends called a "shoot-off of Mathcamp" or something like that, which I guess is sort of accurate, but not really. But a lot of my Mathcamp friends will be there. I am very, very excited. But I suppose it will be slightly scary flying alone and everything, although I have done it before. Wow! It doesn't quite seem real. Finally, something interesting in my life:-D


  • At December 26, 2006 2:03 PM, Blogger Lauren Mayerle said…

    Mathcamp never ends, eh?
    oh, and flying alone is fun. ;)

  • At December 26, 2006 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have fun! Hopefully you will not fly with only two hours of sleep gotten within the past 58-or-so hours, or at least if you do you will not be silly enough to play French toast with a Moore-Method topologist as the two of you sit in the Chicago airport waiting for your plane to stop being delayed. Because nobody would be silly enough to do that....:) Anyway, have fun!!!

  • At December 26, 2006 6:33 PM, Blogger Erika Anneliese said…

    Flying along IS fun. Mathcamp is fun. But mostly just going places and getting out of Colorado is super fun. Yay!


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