If Everyday Were Sunday...

I would be very happy. But I would not get much sleep.

Tuesday, August 15

Pictures #7, 8, 9

Paul again, this time as Mr. Big. He is filling in for Arda as the duck during the Mr. Big production. Arda is holding the umbrella.


  • At August 17, 2006 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    MR BIG!!! YAY!!! And Arda!!! ALSO YAY!!! I still have that duct-tape rose I bought with those tokens. It's sitting on my desk.

    Oh, and speaking of Arda, I checked the QQ solutions I submitted - I confess, I said Arda was a girl.

  • At August 17, 2006 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I found your lj and thought you were Mr. Big, given all the pictures of him. Hi Erika! This is Malinda.

  • At August 17, 2006 9:39 PM, Blogger Erika Anneliese said…

    Hi Malinda and Catherine!! Hey, it's only one picture of Mr. Big. And one of Condylarth...


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