Where Erika is Going:
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- No, seriously. It may sound like your worst nightmare, but it is something that I slaved to get into and am paying a whole lot of money to go to. And I am very excited. You may have noticed the countdown button on the side of my blog for several weeks. And now the time is here. I am also very nervous. And a bit sad. But mostly excited!
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- Some people have asked me what Mathcamp is, and this seems to me to be rather a silly question (if you are one of these people don't feel bad). It's a camp where you go to do math, of course! Perhaps people are just incredulous that anyone in the world would want to go somewhere (would pay money, even!) to do math constantly for five weeks. But if you know me, then you know that I would!
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- Plus it's not like it's all math all the time. There are tons of other activities and field trips. And the best part? It's in Washington! I was born in Seattle, and Tacoma, where the camp is, is only a few miles away. I haven't been back there in seven years, so that is doubly exciting.
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- I will still have access to a computer at camp, so there may be some blog posts, but they will probably be sporadic. I am anticipating being rather busy. So, I will see most of you when I get back, and the rest of you sometime in the future! Toodles!!!!
At July 01, 2006 9:39 PM,
Lauren Mayerle said…
I thought that you weren't leaving till Sunday! Oops, that's tomorrow. Oh well. Have a great time, and brush up on your "forgotten" trig skills so that you can help me out next year! Like you would forget anything...
At July 03, 2006 3:31 PM,
Breanna Monique said…
You should definitely post some entries while you are gone and keep us updated. Hmmmm... Yeah. Gonna miss you at Action tonight. K bye.
At July 06, 2006 6:52 PM,
The Fri said…
Wow. Sounds interesting. I'd probably go insane myself. lol, I'm definitely not as fond of math as you are. Although without it we'd be in the stone age still. lol. Well, ttyl!
At July 16, 2006 9:25 PM,
Breanna Monique said…
Hmmmmm..... I hope you are having fun. I just need to comment because I have nothing to do. I'm still hopeful that you will update.... Thanks for the phonecall, Era.
At July 18, 2006 4:26 AM,
Umm Yaqub Bilal said…
If mathcamp is any good in improving the one worst in the subject its deff what I need!
Have fun!
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