Aha! I just realized that I said that Mystery Hunt pictures were to follow, so I will put some of my favorites up. I think there are a lot.

The incredible cubing Fred.

Tim took this picture of me at the team party Thursday night. As of tomorrow it will be on the wall in English. Tim wants you all to remember this when he takes over the world;-)

Opening ceremonies. A LOT of people.

Puzzling. I don't think I have ever seen so many laptops in one place.

So we took a walk around the campus the first night, I think, and came across this really cool, shiny, white, leaning wall.

Another cool wall, this one in ESG, which was our team headquarters. That's Lauren, Scott and Katya.

I heart Maddie!

And the incredible cubing Kara. This is a sweet action photo if ever there was one.

This is the dorm I stayed in. Ha ha, I love MIT:-)

Sunday! in a random hallway. Great fun.

We found this bar and grill called The Miracle of Science and had to eat lunch there.

A pile of futons on the fourth floor. There is a story here but I was not a part of it. We were all lying there and then we started singing Nonabelian, which is a spoof on Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkle with much cooler words, just in case you were wondering:-P

My friends: Clockwise from bottom left, that's Katya, Me, Tim, Scott, a half-hidden Kara, Lauren, and Maddie, with Yasha in the middle. That's all from Boston, folks. Thanks for watching!
At February 07, 2007 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow. Those pictures make me very happy. :)
At February 07, 2007 9:38 PM,
Erika Anneliese said…
:-D I wish you could have been there. What's new?
At April 05, 2007 7:00 PM,
Breanna Monique said…
Awwww...I love all these pictures. Even though I don't know who they are. They are so cool. You must love it there. (there meaning wherever your math buddies are, :))
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