I finally found time to read this book the day before we were going to study it in Sunday school. I'm glad I did! For one thing, this is a really good read. I understood many of the references to math and art, both of which I like a lot, and the only thing that would have made it better was if I spoke French. I find it amazing that this book had sparked so much controversy. You simply must read it as fiction, and there should be no problem at all. Be forewarned, however: much of what Dan Brown claims sounds so possible in the novel but is really not true at all. I recommend 'The Da Vinci Codebreakers,' or 'Decoding the Da Vinci Code,' or one of the many other books that have been written refuting Dan Brown's claims, if you feel your faith shake at all. They will put everything back in perspective. I am going to see the new movie this Friday, so I will let you know whether that is good as well. Toodles!
At May 18, 2006 8:11 PM,
The Fri said…
Yes, I have heard about the DaVinci code, and it worries me a bit. I remember that when I was in middle school I started reading the Harry Potter books and I was fascinated by them. And when I heard about Wicca I thought, well, maybe this wonderful fantasy can come to life. That was the biggest mistake I ever made and probably ever will make. (Don't get me wrong I have nothing against Harry Potter, they are wonderful books. You just need to make sure to read them AS FICTION and drive it into your head that it is fiction and it will never be non-fiction, just like the Da Vinci Code). When people read something that really fascinates them, they want it to be real, and if there's any possibility that it could be real, they become obsessed with making it so. I'm worried about what the DaVinci Code is going to do to the Christian population in this country. Hopefully they all know the truth. Well, ttyl!
At May 18, 2006 9:28 PM,
Erika Anneliese said…
I actually agree with some people who say that The Da Vinci Code can be used as a tool to bring more people to Christ. I don't think there's too much danger of people creating a sort of cult following, like Harry Potter, though, thankfully. Good insight.
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