If Everyday Were Sunday...

I would be very happy. But I would not get much sleep.

Wednesday, January 17

Mystery Hunt

So I switched the title back on a suggestion. This was before we had a Sunday actually. But it was amazing. The Sunday, and, of course, the whole hunt. If you want to know more, feel free to ask. Pictures hopefully to follow, if Maddie ever puts them on Facebook. Saying goodbye was, of course, really hard, but I feel much better about life now actually. Lots of talking and laughing and not sleeping can do that to a person. Yep yep. But it was great.

Wednesday, January 3

My Birthday

I took this picture of myself on the way to town on my birthday, and I thought it was really cool. Notice the new elephant earrings my mom made for me for Christmas:-) (You can actually see them if you click to make it larger.)