The Great Gatsby. I have to read it for school, and I thought it was going to be exceedingly boring because I tried to read it last year and it was to me then, but it turns out I was quite wrong. As far as action goes, there is not too much, but it has romance, in a way, and a bit of intrigue, and even death (dun, dun, dun). Anyhoo, I recommend it. The writing style is also very interesting, although not the easiest to understand. Now, if only The Grapes of Wrath turns out to be this good...
At June 25, 2006 1:05 PM,
Lauren Mayerle said…
I started that one too and like it so far. I also started Huckleberry Finn, but The GG has taken presidense over Huck.
At June 27, 2006 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
i'm bored yep. Books suck. Just kidding. I'm illeterat so i get jelouse some times. Smurfs rule
At June 27, 2006 6:08 PM,
Erika Anneliese said…
Why don't you post as yourself?
At June 28, 2006 5:05 PM,
The Fri said…
Sweet. You were in an accelerated English class this year weren't you? I wanted to be, but it was impossible. They won't let freshman do anything at Rye, it sucks, lol. Well, ttyl!
At June 29, 2006 8:49 PM,
Erika Anneliese said…
Yep, Honors English 9. I think it is really stupid that you have to be an upperclassman to be in advanced classes.
At July 10, 2006 10:06 PM,
Breanna Monique said…
That's retarded. Oh well. I'm glad that you checked your blog.
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