I got home from the most amazing experience of my life on Sunday at 10 PM after a tearful night with one hour of sleep in our fort in Roxana's room sharing a single pillow with Roxana and Katya (and Tim using my stomach as a pillow) and lots of goodbyes, a shuttle to the airport, a two and a half hour flight, another one and a half hours at the airport waiting for the luggage that never came, dinner in Denver and a two and a half hour drive home. I then proceeded to cry myself to sleep because I was in my own bed for the first time in five weeks and not sharing a single dorm mattress with three or four other people. Since then, it's been emails from Mathcampers, obsessively checking the MC photo album and Mathcamper LiveJournals, cubing (new record-1:58), and, unfortunately, tons of English and history I must finish before school on the 21st. I went to an English seminar on Monday and then out to lunch with my real world South friends, which was fun, and then about an hour at Lauren's house, during which time we whined about school starting. Over all, however, it has been a pretty bad week. Mathcamp withdrawal is terrible. I am counting down the weeks until I can go back (almost 46!). I will leave you with a quote I found on Rachel's Xanga: "When you go to Mathcamp, you think you'll be going away for 5 weeks and then you'll be back home for 47... but at the end, you realize you've been home for 5 weeks and you're going away for 47 weeks." -–Tom L. And now I think I'll put a few pictures on here. Toodles.