If Everyday Were Sunday...

I would be very happy. But I would not get much sleep.

Friday, February 24

MathCounts Update

I have recently found out the places of the other three mathletes, and they all did wonderfully, way beyond expectations. Out of 130 kids, Ty was 28th, Oliver 37th, and Emily 39th. Congrats again!


  • At February 24, 2006 8:59 PM, Blogger Lauren Mayerle said…

    Wow. That's intelligence. Wow.

  • At February 24, 2006 11:33 PM, Blogger The Fri said…

    Yes! That is awesome! They have a good teacher, he's really motivating. lol. But really, he is, he makes you want to do well without making you feel like a total and complete idiot all the time. Although there were times where I felt like a total and complete idiot in his class... but that's because my brain does not work in that mathematical way... I took a science based test on it... it's true. lol. I'm glad your piano playing is going well! How fast is "Flying Leaves"? Fast songs are fun; I am working on a tough one right now called "Bumble Boogie," and even though it's hard it's just really encouraging to get a page mastered. Well, good luck in your endeavors, see ya!



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