I got a new calculator today. This is it. A beauty, huh? If you have ever stopped to ponder my URL address, pirocks is talking about pi, as in 3.14159265..., rocking, as in being very cool, and 343 is seven cubed, which I tacked on simply because blogger wouldn't let me use just pirocks. I am a very math oriented person, if you haven't gathered that from the fact I have just posted a picture of a calculator. Right now in Pre-calc we are learning trig identities, which are very fun. It is highly disheartening to hear people bashing math, but this occurs quite often. Nobody goes around saying bad things about basketball or drama, now do they? Sadly, I did pretty poorly on the last quiz, at least compared to my usual standard. But you don't want to hear all this. About my calculator, though, it has a lot of nifty features, which, if you care to read about in detail (yeah, right) are described on education.ti.com/ By the way, I am hereby endorsing Texas Instruments as the best calculator makers.